
This exhibit is a scholarly exploration of the visual representation of jungle animals in children's picture books at the height of the British Empire.  It is intended to be viewed sequentially from the Main Exhibit page.  A summary/map of the exhibit can be found below.

This exhibit was created as part of a graduate level history course at the University of Vermont in Fall 2012.  The course, "Visual/Material Histories," was taught by Dr. Abigail McGowan and explored the process of constructing historical arguments using primarily visual sources.The sources in this exhibit came from archival research in the University of Florida's Baldwin Collection.  The images are from the author's own photographs.




Historical Context

The rise of tropical imperialism

The evolution of children's publishing and education

Tropical Legibility

The imperial eye

Unlikely companions

Science, family, and hierarchy

Tropical Domestication

Jungle pets

The jungle caged

Tropical Danger

Animal villains

Hunter heroes

 Selected Bibliography

Image Collection